
Louis CK, The ‘Fat Girl’ Soliloquy

Kelly Coffey

“You know what the meanest thing you can say to a fat girl is? ‘You’re not fat.'” 1

Louis CK invites the great Sarah Baker to sum up what so many of us feel and have felt as fat women: that fat women are overlooked, they are rejected, and that love is hard to find.

That Louis CK gave a fat woman 7 minutes to be honest and open and angry on Monday night’s show makes him the boss. Humanity may not, in fact, be doomed.

I’m on board with much of Baker’s character’s speech, but her experience isn’t entirely universal (as no one person’s experience ever is). I dated great people when I was fat. I had a blast. I was out there and sexual and was treated well by fantastic people.

Lest anyone doubt that a fat woman can rock the dating scene:

Thin, I’ve dated hot 2 people.
So did the fat Coffey.

Thin, I’ve strolled Main Street with a lover, and they enjoyed every minute of it.
So did the fat Coffey.

Thin, I’ve had a blast living my life, being in my body, and sharing it with people I love.
So did the fat Coffey.

Fat women often don’t get love relationships handed to them on a silver platter like we imagine thin women do. At the same time, the world is positively crawling with beautiful, joyful, loving people who fall flat on their faces in love with fat women every day. I’d like to kiss each and every one of them. 3

So does the fat Coffey.


  1. I would argue it’s ‘You’d be so pretty if you were thin,’ but what do I know?
  2. read: funny, smart, open, loving, beautiful
  3. Just a little peck, don’t worry.
Showing 9 comments
  • Sharifa

    I am in love with your posts. Such an inspiring person!

  • Leslie

    This made a very old wound reopen, again. I hope I’m able to grasp the lifeline that is your website.

  • janedeewatkins

    She is a fat girl? Oh my gosh. What does normal look like?

  • Elyse Masterson

    I’m pouring through every post of yours. Like so many others, each post resonates like I’m reading my own words (albeit, far more eloquent than my own!). This post. This one. It’s a lesson I think I really (REALLY) needed to embrace. I don’t think I’m alone here in having that “when I’m thin….THEN I’ll ____ (fall in love, look for a relationship, really deserve love, find my dream job, win the lottery, do my roots, etc). That translates to: I don’t really love myself to even try, if I’m honest. Thankfully, I’m reading your blog and really letting the “love thyself!” message to sink in. If only I could love myself how my dog loves me right now!!

  • Elyse Masterson

    I’m pouring through every post of yours. Like so many others, each post resonates like I’m reading my own words (albeit, far more eloquent than my own!). This post. This one. It’s a lesson I think I really (REALLY) needed to embrace. I don’t think I’m alone here in having that “when I’m thin….THEN I’ll ____ (fall in love, look for a relationship, really deserve love, find my dream job, win the lottery, do my roots, etc). That translates to: I don’t really love myself to even try, if I’m honest. Thankfully, I’m reading your blog and really letting the “love thyself!” message to sink in. If only I could love myself how my dog loves me right now!!

    • Coffey

      Mine is a rough, edgy “love thyself” message, though, right? RIGHT?! 🙂

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